Program Features: 

PatchPro is a multi-module database product. The modules include:

bulletMemorabilia Issues (CSPs, OA, Jamboree, etc.)
bulletContacts (Patch Traders)
bulletBSA Councils
bulletOA Lodges
bulletBSA National Events
bulletOA Conclaves
bulletHigh Adventure
bulletHiking Trails
bulletPrinted Items
bulletMisc. Items

Key Benefits

bulletThe flexible design allows you, the collector, to store information on practically any type of Boy Scout memorabilia. Whether you collect Order of the Arrow, CSPs, Jamboree, Insignia, Camps, Books, etc., PatchPro includes the places to enter the information on your collection items.
bulletPatchPro is compatible with the major national reference books (Blue Book, Arapaho, An Aid to Collecting Selected Council Shoulder Patches, etc.), as well as allows you to enter your local identifications, and even your own personal identifications! This feature enables you to create a cross reference among the various identifications.
bulletPatchPro is linked among the different modules so that related information is easily available.
bulletMultiple modules feature the ability to contain links to your scanned images, so that you can view the picture of an item at the same time that you view the description information.
bulletSearches are fast and easy.
bulletMany different reports for the screen or printer.
bulletPatchPro is "web enabled". You can use PatchPro to send email (as well as letters and faxes) to people in the Contacts module, go directly to their website, and even find a map for their address. The same is true for the Council, Lodge, and Camp modules.*

        * (NOTE: These features are not available if your only Internet access is America On-Line. The proprietary nature of AOL does not currently support standard Internet functions.)

Screen Shots


Program Edition SKU # Price
PatchPro Collector 2.0 PPC2.0 49.99
PatchPro Dealer 2.0 PPD2.0 TBA

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Copyright © 2011 The Computer Connection
Last modified: 09/05/11